Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Chuseok!

Just two weeks after I arrived was Chuseok, Korean Thanksgiving (more or less). I was pleasantly surprised to find out the teachers got to celebrate with a 4-day weekend! Not a bad start to my Korean employment J Like Thanksgiving, traveling during Chuseok is not recommended since everyone is trying to get home to visit family and everything else is closed. With that in mind, we were able to arrange a mini-vacation to a nearby island, Seokmo-du.

The journey there was half of the adventure. The group met a few subway stops from my place, where we hopped on the first bus that took us about an hour outside of the city. From there, we caught a second bus for a quick 15-minute ride to the ferry! The ride itself was very short, but it is always fun being on a boat. Once we docked, there were a few shops lined up with delicious squid and plenty of other mysterious seafoods for us to ponder while waiting for yet another bus (the only one on the island!). From there, our pension (basically a B&B) was just up the hill. The pension was really pleasant, with a swimming pool, garden, picnic tables and an awesome view! We spent the first day just hanging out by the pool and relaxing after the scavenger hunt to get there.

The next morning some adventurous ones ventured back to the bus stop on bikes to get water and breakfast. I decided to take it easy and was happy that I did when they returned over an hour later dripping in sweat and exhaustion. The island is a little hilly and the ride was not as easy as they anticipated. 

When lunch time finally rolled around I was feeling up to an adventure, so Rob, Bill and I set out to the same bus stop… only our plan included taking the bus there. While we were waiting by the road a truck came by and I figured it couldn’t hurt to try to hitch a ride. I held out my hand but they just drove by. Luckily, they stopped right after and backed up to meet us. We hopped in the back, grateful for the ride and the up-to-date Tetanus shots J He dropped us off right next to the bus stop where we found a pizza place still open, despite the holiday. Since our order was quite large, the pizza guy offered us a ride home. Overall, a great first experience in the world of hitchhiking!
Later that afternoon, the group ventured out for a little temple visit. It was my first temple experience and it was AMAZING! The best part was the outcropping up on the hill that had a Buddah carved into it.
A short climb to the top left us with another amazing view of the island and some insight into how seriously people take their worship and prayer.

On a totally different note, I also had my first Korean squatter experience! The picture should answer any questions that statement might leave you with…

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Life in the City

The first two weeks here flew by and I am getting adjusted to life here in South Korea :) I am teaching at OeDae in Paju City . The school is about a 30 minute bus ride away from Illsan, the city that I call home! My place leaves a lot to be desired, but the city offers so many things to see and do that I really haven't spent much time there. Here are some pictures so you can get an idea of the accommodations (my school director bought me the Hello Kitty pink bedspread as a welcome present)!


The apartment itself is conveniently situated right next to the subway stop and a short walk from the bus stop. There is also an awesome Lake Park that is right down the street. It is a huge man-made lake that has a singing fountain and a ton of other fun things to see around it. I haven't taken any pictures of it yet, so that will have to be another posting, another day :)

For now, check out these pictures from my building. They were taken from the hall where I catch the elevator (my apartment window looks out onto another building = not very exciting).

If you look close, you can see the Starbucks across the street that I frequently visit (bottom pic). Makes me feel right at home! 

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Pharewell Phoenix!

THANK YOU to everyone who came out to bid me farewell before I embarked on my new adventure :) Devils Martini was a great way to celebrate the end of my banking career and it was great to see so many familiar faces there! To the FNBA crowd, thank you for making the last three years so memorable and special!



I also had a FABULOUS time with everyone at Salty's!!!


There were many reasons why I decided to make this move, but every one of you reading this were reasons why the decision was so hard to make. I cherish my family and friends and feel so blessed to have you all in my life. I already miss you and look forward to another celebration upon my return!!!

Also, thank you for all of the gifts, cards and very kind words! I really can not explain what your confidence and encouragement mean to me.